3D printing has come a long way in the last decade. In general, commercial 3D printers were mostly made of monochromatic plastic balls. Modern 3D printers can now print bubbles, the table on which they sit, the house where the table is placed, and even half of the person who operates the printer. We are fast approaching a place where the human imagination is somewhat eccentric. From good to bad and very ugly (including some who reject all categorization), this list collects the five most ridiculous things ever printed in 3-D
05Unborn Babies
One use of 3D printing may surprise you. So it is possible that the Russian company prints 3-D, unborn babies. Sounds like science fiction, right? But there is no fiction here, only science! Embryo 3-D (a Russian company started by scientist Ivin Griding) has developed 3-D printing technology that allows you to reproduce your unborn child. However, metal printing is also available (for an additional cost). While this may seem a bit strange, many expectant parents are excited about this idea because it allows them to retain their unborn child for a few weeks before birth. This can be a great relief for expectant parents. While this may seem unusual to some, it ranks 5th on our list.
04Entire Houses
We started small with unborn babies printed in P3-D. More and more large market includes 3-D printed houses! There are a number of 3-D-printed buildings, including apartments, barns, apartments and palaces. They can build a 3D printed house in as little as 24 hours. Building 3D printed houses can be significantly cheaper than building a traditional home.Winsun has a number of homes that specialize in 3D printing. Companies like Winsun and the like usually do not print these structures in one piece. Instead, the parts are printed and then assembled at the desiconstruction site. Winsun is already planning for 3-D printing houses in a poor area of El Salvador. There is currently a 3-D-printed neighborhood in Mexico, where families live on about $ 3 a day (according to The New York Times). As technology advances rapidly, you can expect to see 3-D printed homes. Home buyers may have an active hand in designing and customizing their 3-D printed homes. In a few years, a 3-D-printed house, a neighborhood, or even a skyscraper will no longer look strange.
03More 3D Printers
If you could print anything on a 3D printer, what would you print? What about another 3-D printer? Believe it or not, you really ... except for a few. As with most 3D printing, it is about details and components. A 3D printer can have more than 100 parts, all of which must be printed to specific specifications. To print a 3-D printer, you must print each piece individually and assemble them correctly. (Or to print) is required. A company called RepRap created the first "self-redesigned" 3-D printer in 2008 (although it was 50% redesigned at the time). Since then, the RepRap percentage has increased significantly to 73%. The original RepRap machines had "kids" and even "grandchildren" around the world. It is not difficult to think of a fully self-replicating 3-D printer in the future.
02Impossible Sculptures
With every technological generation release, the hardware is cheaper and more available. As 3D printing technology continues to evolve, so do its uses. Throughout history, cameras, computers, films, and other new technologies, as well as 3D printers, have opened the door to creativity and publishing. There are currently many 3-D print artists out there exploring this innovative design space, such as Kevin Mack, Tomoko Nagao, Batsheba Grossman, and more. Tomoko Nagao is an inspiring example of reinterpreting the great works of the Renaissance. Like many new art forms, the products can be beautiful and quirky to look at.
01Spy Camera
Like anything outside of Q's lab in a James Bond movie, 3D printers have secret capabilities. They are capable of printing very small parts with incredible accuracy. It has many uses for drones, including microprinting (very small printing) cameras. With standard drone technology, these cameras have improved to the level of eagle eyesight (they can see like an eagle). Not only is it useful for MI6, these tiny cameras and even the small lenses printed by 3D printers do a lot more. Think about the medical procedures these babies can do with telescopic or microscopic technology and vision.